Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2013

Chinese relatives

Whats up my dears!
So as I said I'm going to blog about my preparation for my trip to China.
So first of all (beside the weight loss I'm going to post) is about Chinese relatives.
Usually, Chinese families are like HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. because, before Deng Xiaoping was doing the 1-Child-policy stuff people got like about 1000 siblings. 
Unfortunately my Chinese family is not that big. 
I'm going to China for the wedding of my cousin and her mother (my auntie) has 6 siblings. And they have kids. And there's the family of her husband too. So just the relative part will be huge at the wedding :D
There are some special features about Chinese relatives. In european families it's just like: you've got your parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles and cousins...and of course your brothers and sisters.
But in China each of them has a name.
This video shows really good what I mean:
So....confusing or not?
Fortunately I don't have much to remember.
As my chinese family part is from my mums side I just got:
My grannie (waipo or popo 外婆/婆婆 )
My uncle ( jiujiu 舅舅)
My two aunties (jiuma 舅妈) -> yes two jiumas. Sadly my other uncle passed away last year. 
My older male cousin (biaoge 表哥)
And last but not least the bride: my older female cousin (biaojie 表姐) least I'm learning Chinese now so I got to remember this. Just need this in shanghaiese now. lol.

See you soon to the next post!
Much love!

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